Deep breaths and Calm it Down
As a piano teacher I am always looking for new pieces of music for my students to play. One of my favorite composers is Chad Lawson. His peaceful, meloncholy music is calming and soothing to my soul. In one of his recent emails he mentioned his podcast, “Calm it Down”, and I immediately was intriged by the sound of it! I love SHORT snippets that I can listen to in brief interludes of waiting for a child in the car rider line, taking a short walk, etc. At first I found Chad’s slow, quiet voice to be a bit silly, but after a while I relaxed and found the thoughtfulness of his words to be comforting and grounding. Check out his podcast here and let me know what you think. Some of my favorites from season 2 (I’m working on season 1 now) are: Life Lessons (Tips for De-Stressing)-S2-E2, Take a break: Part 1-Take a Walk S2-E3, Take a break: Part 2-Take a Nap S2-E4, and The Puzzle of Grief S2-E6.
Each episode is approx 15 minutes or less so it feels manageable and like little powernap boosts for your mind! So next time you’re feeling a bit wound up, click on Calm it Down and feel your body relax as you take time to take a deep breath.
If you need a daily reminder to take a deep breath, you can purchase my original piece of art (contact me directly) or a print from Redbubble!