Painted Piano Project
The Story, The Process, The Purpose
The Story
I wasn’t planning on painting pianos.
...But Tara from Greener Goods Refillery sent me this marketplace listing for a free piano and said:
“I think you need to go get this piano and turn it into a cool piece of art”
My first response was...”Yeah!...but I need someone to take it when I’m done!”
The Process
It was the second U-Haul we rented that ended up working out in the end
Leslie, Ellery (Circular Supply) and Desiree (professor at U o I and my neighbor) drove to Bloomington to pick up the piano.
Weighing in at about 600 pounds, we had a challenge to get it out the basement, across the big backyard and up the ramp of the U-Haul. After a 5 hour day we got it delivered to Lincon Square mall!
Painting the First Piano
The first Painted Piano will be housed in Lincoln Square Mall in Urbana.
The piano is sponored by Greener Goods Shop and Refillery in Champaign, Illinois.
The first 4 hours of painting were done on May 13th by Leslie Kimble.
Leslie Kimble will finish the piano during a community swap event ( hosted by Circular Supply and Greener Goods Refillery) on Saturday, May 18th from 10-2 pm.
A White coat of paint covered this 1920’s piano before being taped up for the color layers.
This piano is painted like the mural inside Greener Goods Shop + Refillery in Champaign, Il.
Sunbeams, mountains, water splashes and birds in flight cover this piano at Lincoln Square Mall.
The final touch was to paint the keys a watery blue to give the effect of a flowing river!