Let’s bring some magic to your walls - at home, office or school!

geometric mural, gold, black and white in private residence in Champaign, IL

Leslie Kimble Art landscape mural in classroom in Urbana, Illinois

Lego Astronaut mural in bedroom in Champaign IL

Leslie Kimble Art Greener Goods mural at Greener Goods Shop + Refillery in Champaign, Illinois

Leslie Kimble art Poppies Mural at Private Residence in Champaign Illinois

Leslie Kimble Art Mountain Range Entry mural at Private Residence in Champaign, Illinois
Leslie Kimble Art Woodland adventure mural in a nursery in Grafton, Illinois

Leslie Kimble Art 6' donut mural at Ye Olde Donuts in Champaign, Illinois.

Leslie Kimble Art 6' chocolate donut mural at Ye Olde Donuts in Champaign, Illinois.
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Want to add some magic to your windows or walls?
Tell me about your project and let’s work together!