The S.P.A.R.K.

I don’t know about you, but NPR is one of my favorites. And I also hate it. It’s my favorite because I am forever learning something when I tune in while driving across town. I hate it because it leads me to more books to add to my ever growing list!!?!

This last tune in, however, was just a fun listen with a catchy acronym that inspired this FUN piece of art I named “SPARK”. (Actually, I did learn about the interviewee’s book called The Power of Fun, but a friend tipped me off to the fact that it’s a bit academic in nature so I don’t feel a rush to go read it just yet!)

So on to the acronym: S.P.A.R.K.

Actually, a few aspects of fun first.

One thing the interviewee (her name is Catherine Price by the way) found in her research of fun was that we assume fun is frivolous, but it really isn’t. Having fun is a neccesary part of our lives. Not only does it help connect us with others, but also helps connect us with ourselves. In fact, Price found fun to be good for our mental AND physical bodies. Finding that “playful connected flow” allows our stress levels to be reduced as well as our physical health similar to that of preventing lonliness and isolation. The presence of these two factors (loniness and isolation), Price points out, contribute to our health similar to that of smoking 15 cigarets a DAY?!! So, by incorporating fun into our daily lives we are, in truth, living a healthy phyical life without as much isolation and loniness and the unhealthy benefits that come with those feelings!

As I listened to this newscast and the following acronym, an image came to mind of looking with awe and wonder at a sparkler in our hand; that innocent, childlike glee and mesmerizing zone we find ourselves in as soon as a sparkly fire is at the end of our fingertips. Painting this beautiful image of connection we have with others and ourselves as a vibrant reminder to continue to find those sparks in our lives that foster fun was such a FUN experience for me!;).

Ok, NOW on to the acryonym:

S (space). Make space in your life; in your calendar; for fun.

P (pursue passions). Let yourself think about that thing or things that you’ve always wanted to try or explore. Let yourself do it.

A (attract fun). Be open and looking for fun.

R (rebellion-gentle rebellion that is!). Be adventurous and spontaneous and ok with those random times where fun calls our name!

K (keep at it). Don’t give up. Keep trying new things. Fostering a lifesyle of fun takes time and practice. Keep at it.

So what about you? What do you do for fun? Or, what WOULD you LIKE to do for fun? Let’s allow ourselves that connection to others without distractions of phones or screens or beeps or boops and let ourselves get lost in the “playful connected flow” of fun!

I’m in. Are you? Let’s go find our S.P.A.R.K.!


Beginnings and Endings


Fire and Waiting