Unicorns don’t fit inside the Normal Box anymore

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We have changed.

We have grown.

And who we have evolved into will never fit into THE NORMAL BOX again.

For me, one of the biggest changes is that I don’t go to church in a building anymore.

I didn’t plan it this way. It just happened. We decided to “take a break” to heal from some painful and traumatic experiences while on staff at a couple of churches.

But after walking outside of the walls of institutional religion, things started to make more sense. Perspective is easier to have when you step back. Inside the walls-inside the Normal Box-we could not fully see the vast beauty of a life lived without man made rules and expectations.

For many of us not only has church changed for us, but the past 18 months Covid has brought changes to our lives. On many levels and areas of life we have evolved and learned and grown into people that need different things. Our kids have returned to schools that expect the normal expectations. But we have all outgrown out Normal Boxes and need to think outside the box.

So tell me what’s changed for you? What box don’t you fit in anymore?


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