Stairway to Where?
While on a hike with a friend and both of our sons, we came across this cement staircase that led to nowhere.
I snapped a photo liking the oddity of it’s presence and later it had deeper meaning to me as I was considering starting a website to share my art and observations with the world. I could walk up these steps, but where would it lead? What future would I fall into?
The stairway in the middle of the woods is a symbol to me of both the beauty of the unknown and the bizzare questions and uncertainty it brings. We may not know where our life is headed exactly, but if we pay attention, we can always find the beauty in that unknown space. This embrace of uncertainty and beauty is the both/and that we find outselves constantly living in.
One thing I’m learning to let go of is the need to have all the answers. Life is a series of “stairways to where?” and we must learn to trust the unknown adventure that awaits and not force our preconceived ideas of what “should” be.
What’s your “stairway to where?” circumstances you find yourself in right now?
Note: If you’re in the Champaign/Urbana Illinois region, this stariway can be found in the Busey Woods trail near Anita Pervis Nature Preserve