The Past in a Mirror
The Past. Do you dwell on the regret of opportunities missed? Or remember the past through a Polly Anna lense— only focusing on the good and pleasant parts?
“The past, after all is a reflection in the rearview mirror of an everchanging and imperfect present that whizzes by relentlessly. On occation when it hoves into view, try to see the whole picture—and remember everyone, including you, deserves kindness.”
—Breathe Magazine Issue 41
As I read the editor’s welcome of my Breathe Magaine, I remembered a photo I snapped while driving out west this summer. Looking into the rearview mirror at the beautiful sunrise I realized that viewing the past in several ways could be helpful.
A rearview mirror help us not only peek at the beauty of the past (like a glowing sunrise); A rearview mirror also informs us of what’s coming from behind (like a speeding car about to pass us). Remembering the beauty of our past and also looking honestly at the reality of what has happened in history are both necessary observations of our past. If we focus soley on the images in our rearview mirror, we loose sight of what is ahead. Dwelling on the past with a tendancy to focus on the “what ifs” keep us from offering ourselves and others the forgiveness needed to move on and the grace to change and do better.
When stuck on only one part of the past, let’s try to remember that there is both beauty and pain; lessons learned and memories savored. And remember to give yourself and other's the kindness needed to traverse life’s ever changing landscape.
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